Not N95’s, But better than nothing!
DIY Masks:
Hand made with love, personalized for you, and machine washable! See how a simple request from my sisters, turned into a project we can all participate in, to help those on the front line fighting germs.
Here’s how it all started…
COVID 19. THAT’S HOW! Both my sisters are nurses. They messaged me, about the dilemma nurses are having; that some are making their own masks since the hospitals are running out. In other words, they are running out of ways to protect themselves, against the patients in whom they have a duty to take care of. Honestly, THANK YOU healthcare workers for all the work you do! Continuing on, my sisters asked me to make a mask out of the fabric I already had. This would give them some sort of protection, just in case they ran out of masks in their hospital locations.
So I made these masks, that are machine washable, include a pocket for a filter and have adjustable wire for the nose. Doing this personal project I am only one person, but I know there are plenty of people out there who have a little time, extra fabric, a machine, and are looking for something to do. So I challenge you! To make 4 more of these masks, and donate them to someone in need.
Here are the rules:
Accept the challenge, if it is offered to you. (by offered I mean by a friend, or you saw this post, and you offered this challenge to yourself, by all means… DO IT!)
Download the digital pattern HERE.
Make 4 more nurse masks using the SEWING INSTRUCTIONS listed below. Gift them.
Challenge someone else you know with a sewing machine, to do the same!
These masks are NOT an N95, but some protection is better than none at all. This is a small gesture to offer help, and gratitude.
*I wrote a list of instructions below, but here’s how I learned: Click on that link so you can learn too!
Take your fabric, and cut a rectangle 7.5” by 15”, using the Pattern Piece A
Serge or zigzag stitch the shorter sides of the cut fabric.
With right sides together, match up the two shorter sides (forming a square, with one folded edge), and stitch (with a 1/4” seam allowance) along the opposite side of the folded edge, about 1.5” from the edge towards the middle, leaving an opening.
Press open this seam, and turn right side out.
Top stitch one side of the seam you just pressed open.
On the other side, mark a 1/2” on either side beneath seam. pinch these markings with your fingers, to create a fold. PRESS.
Top stitch about 1/8” along the outside edge of the whole square.
Take your zip tie (about 6”) and put it right beneath the top stitch above the slit opening. Pin in place, and sew a line underneath where the wire is, to hold it in place.
Pleat the fabric, how you so choose. I took about an 1.25” fold, with a 1/2” in fold, forming three pleats. Press, pin in place, and sew a line down each short side, to secure the pleats.
To make the Bias Tape, cut 2 of Pattern Piece B. Press down 1/4” on one long side of cut Pattern Piece B. You made it!
To apply Bias Tape, pin the unpressed side of bias tape to the short side of the mask. Sew 1/4” from raw side.
Flip up and fold over to the other side. Here is where I included the elastic (9.5” long). Pin down the elastic and bias tape along opposite side of mask, making sure that the bias tape extends a little further past the stitched line you just sewn, and that you don’t catch the elastic (so that it can move after). On the side you just sewn, stitch again very close to the seam you just did. Do the same to the other side.
knot, or zig zag stitch the two ends of the elastic.
Great job! you did it, and the next time you do it, you’ll be even faster!